In this response to the Justice Select Committee’s inquiry into the role of adult custodial remand, we urge the government to reduce the rising level of remand through the urgent scaling-up of Bail Information Services in courts and prisons. We also recommend the government end the disproportionate use of remand for Black, Asian and minority ethnic women and divert resources set aside for prison expansion to community-based support services, such as Women’s Centres.
In this response to the Children’s Commissioner’s call for evidence for the Family Review, we specifically focus on how the Children’s Commissioner can improve the outcomes of children who are experiencing parental and family imprisonment. We call on the Children’s Commissioner to explicitly promote and protect the rights of these children, for a statutory process to be introduced to identify these children, and for family support services for those in prison and children and families in the community to have adequate and sustainable funding.
In this response to the Prisons Strategy White Paper, we call on the government to reduce the prison population and divert its investment for new prison building into improving the existing prison estate. We also set out measures to better support people in or leaving prison with employment, family ties and resettlement.
The government recently announced it would publish a White Paper setting out prison reforms to cut reoffending. In this briefing, we set out what the government should include in the Prisons White Paper, mapping the practical steps necessary to ensure everyone in prison or leaving prison has access to meaningful education and employment, as well as support to maintain family ties and positive social relationships. We highlight how the government can reduce the prison population while ensuring safer communities. The briefing draws on the expertise of CJA members working in these areas.
The CJA has been in communication with the justice secretary in recent months, raising our concerns about the decision to extend the amount of time someone can be kept in prison while awaiting trial. We have also been pushing for the greater use of Bail Information Services in courts and prisons, which can help people satisfy requirements for bail, preventing them from being remanded in prison. We have now received a further response from the justice secretary.
This briefing from a coalition of criminal justice and race equality organisations explores how the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill could deepen racial inequality in the criminal justice system. It analyses the equality impact assessments behind the Bill, and calls for the government to withdraw the discriminatory measures and launch a proper public consultation.
We wrote to the Ministry of Justice in March, setting out our concerns that the government’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill will deepen racial inequality in the criminal justice system and asking for further details on how the government has assessed the disproportionate impact of the legislation. We have received a response from the justice secretary providing more detail.
In this response to an inquiry from the Education Select Committee, the CJA draws on discussions with members to set out how education within prisons could be improved, and how individuals in prison could be better prepared for work after their release.
In this response to the government’s White Paper on sentencing, the CJA and members highlight the positive elements of the government’s sentencing plans, as well as identifying areas of concern. The response also makes wide-ranging recommendations for government to create a criminal justice system which diverts people away from the dead end of prison and gives individuals the best chance at a life away from life
In this response to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation on Strengthening the Independent Scrutiny Bodies through Legislation, the CJA discusses how scrutiny bodies such as the Prison and Probation Ombudsman, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and Independent Monitoring Boards could be strengthened. The CJA also considers the advantages and disadvantages of England and Wales adopting the ‘Scottish Model’, where scrutiny is merged under one body.
Routes to Recovery draws on discussions with CJA members in virtual meetings in June and July. The report highlights challenges and good practice during COVID-19 across policing, courts, prisons, probation and resettlement, victims’ services, mental health and drug and alcohol services. The report also provides recommendations for policy makers, highlighting how they can build a better criminal justice system following the pandemic.
The CJA has sent a third COVID-19 briefing to the Justice Select Committee, discussing the government’s recovery planning for prisons and probation, and providing recommendations on prisoner release, testing, resettlement, the need for demographic data, and more.
Robert Buckland, Secretary of State for Justice, has responded to the Criminal Justice Alliance’s letter which provided COVID-19 recommendations on protecting lives in the criminal justice system.
The CJA has worked with some of its members to establish pragmatic recommendations to reduce the burden of COVID-19 on the criminal justice system, and ultimately, to protect the lives of those working in or affected by i
The CJA has followed up with a second briefing on COVID-19 for the Justice Select Committee, highlighting the urgent actions that must be taken to protect life.
In this briefing for the Women and Equalities Select Committee, the CJA discusses the impact of COVID-19 on those with protected characteristics within the criminal justice system.
The CJA’s response to the Justice Select Committee’s inquiry on the ageing prison population.
This briefing is the result of a round table event on 21 May 2019 organised by the CJA and Ministry of Justice for a group of CJA members to discuss the accommodation challenges faced by people leaving prison.
This briefing is the result of a round table event organised by the CJA and Ministry of Justice for a group of CJA members to discuss the challenges facing the justice system created by the ageing population. Attendees were asked to focus on two key questions: What are the unique needs of older people involved in the CJS? What changes could we consider over the longer term to ensure the needs of this group are better met?
This briefing sets out eight pragmatic and incremental ways the government could begin to reduce the prison population without impacting public safety. We estimate that these measures could reduce the population by 12,000 places over the lifetime of this parliament, reducing the pressure on the system, making it safer and freeing up over £900 million.